Social Media Marketing Tips From FireSpike LLC

Are you finding Twitter intimidating? Don’t be a chicken—FireSpike LLC can help! FireSpike LLC Twitter tips #TwitterChicken.FireSpike LLC knows the importance of social media marketing, and Twitter is a popular website that we suggest businesses use in their social media marketing campaigns. However, Twitter can also be frustrating for new users, and in order to help our clients we are starting a new blog series, #Twitterchicken, offering Twitter tips to optimize your tweets for increased visibility.

One of the unique and integral aspects of Twitter is the use of the hashtag. Hashtags allow customers to search for a specific word or phrase in Twitter (hashtags are also used on Facebook, Google, and other websites). You can use existing hashtag phrases or create a hashtag campaign unique to your brand. Popular hashtags will start to trend and trending hashtags will help increase your tweets’ impressions. Still, don’t go hashtag crazy! Limit your tweets to 2-3 hashtags that are pertinent to the content posted.

Great use of hashtags from FireSpike LLC client Isernio's Sausage.FireSpike LLC’s client Isernio’s Sausage posted a tweet that uses positive social media marketing practices we would like to share with you. The post included a photo that increases impressions and their brand which increases customer loyalty (we will discuss these 2 options in later #TwitterChicken posts). Within the Tweet, Isernio’s used hashtags referencing their recipe contest and the #MakeHealthyExceedExpectations campaign. The Tweet has 2 hashtags that create a readable sentence, and catches users attention. We congratulate @IsernioSausage for a well done post!

Stay up to date with @FireSpikeLLC for more #TwitterChicken tips!  FireSpike LLC offers website auditing and review for code, content, strategy, search engine optimization and more. Contact us today to see how we can take the frustration out of your website.