When my daughter was little her school had her sit at a separate table for lunch, with the rest of the kids who had peanut butter in their lunch bags. This was a surprise to me, we never had to do that as kids. But it also made me think of all the food allergies kids have and how that impacts their Halloween experience.
I love celebrating Halloween and the thought of a child not wanting to participate because they couldn’t enjoy any of the candy from trick-or-treating made me sad. I want to put a smile on all the kids’ faces! Trick-or-treating should be a fun, whimsical and an enjoyable experience for all. That’s why we have our front yard lit up with decorations and that’s why we participate in the Teal Pumpkin Project.
Not only do we hand out individually wrapped candy and include vegan candy, but we also include toys, stickers, or glow sticks. Some years my daughter and I take the time to make things for trick-or-treaters, such as Halloween themed clay pendants or amigurumi. One year we had a box of books for kids to pick from. Whatever we do, we try to follow the guidelines of the Teal Pumpkin Project.
“The Teal Pumpkin Project is a simple way to make trick-or-treating safer and more inclusive for the one in thirteen children living with food allergies, and many others impacted by intolerances and other conditions. Placing a teal pumpkin on your doorstep signals that, in addition to candy, you offer non-food trinkets and treats that are safe for all trick or treaters.”
The Teal Pumpkin Project website includes a bunch of great resources, including an interactive map that you can search for homes offering non-food treats or add your home to. We have printed off flyers that indicate we are part of the Teal Pumpkin Project and put them up in our neighborhood. I don’t tend to brag, but over the years we have become known as the ‘cool house’ for Halloween. 
I fully encourage everyone to take a look at the Teal Pumpkin Project and add their home to the map.