Monthly Contact Form Tests

Plus our new monthly drawing for HOMM Service Customers

This Month’s Reading Selection

Last month I listened to the audiobook version of The 1-Page Marketing Plan. I HIGHLY recommend this book to all of FireSpike’s customers, as it takes the marketing wisdom from many other sources and boils it all down into a single, easy-to-understand source! Even better, after reading or listening to this book, you can use the book’s resources to create, literally, a comprehensive marketing plan that fits on a single sheet of paper.

“Farming” Customers Using Contact Forms

One major element of the book is that businesses should FARM their customers rather than just HUNTING for customers. Farming for customers includes having systems in place that capture information from qualified leads, then automatically follows up on those leads.

A contact form on your website is an obvious and easy way to start doing this. With just a little bit of setup and minimal follow-up time, a contact form can help you create your list of potential customers. Then, an email marketing system like Constant Contact or MailChimp can help you to easily follow up with all of those contacts, with both “en masse” and individualized communication, as needed.  These services include the ability to AUTOMATICALLY add to your email list any contact who opts in and contacts you using your form. (Full disclosure: FireSpike is a member of the Constant Contact “Business Partner” program, which helps us to manage our clients’ Constant Contact accounts directly from our own partner account.)

For any of FireSpike’s customers who do NOT have a contact form on your site, it is now my strong suggestion that you reconsider and start using your site to collect contact information from potential customers. We can help you to quickly set this up. There are both free and inexpensive monthly options for maintaining your email lists.

New Monthly Drawing for FireSpike’s “Hand-On Monthly Maintenance” Clients with Contact Forms

One part of FireSpike’s “Hands-On Monthly Maintenance” service for WordPress websites is checking with our customers that they are receiving the submissions from their website’s contact forms. Each month we fill out and submit the contact form, and our message includes a link that our customer can click to automatically confirm receipt. (Note: previously it was an option just to reply to the email, but going forward the link will be the only option for confirming.)

We understand that this can seem like a tedious thing to have do each month, so we are adding some fun to the mix. 

First, each month we will be providing a little bit of lighthearted content to see after clicking the confirmation link. We’re just starting this, and we’re already having fun coming up with ideas to try to brighten your day when you get to the confirmation page. 

Second, we are starting a new MONTHLY DRAWING for our HOMM customers who confirm receipt of their website’s contact form by clicking the link. Each month you will have a chance to win a $5 gift card. To make it even more appealing, we will randomly choose one month each year in which the drawing prize will be a $50 gift card!

So now you have even MORE reasons to have a contact form on your website!

Wrapping It All Up

So, again, if your website does not have a contact form on it, please seriously consider adding one. Talk to us if you have concerns or need ideas on how you can best benefit from a contact form.

FireSpike can help make sure every entry is stored safely, in addition to the form info being emailed to the email address of your choice. We can also help prevent bots from making spam entries using the form, and we can help you connect your contact form to a CRM or email marketing system.